Here you will find upcoming events:

events (buzzword colorful cubes series)


Friday, 12 Jul 2024  
Ceremony to commemorate the life and legacy of Professor Odell Kingston Mickens

Time: July 12, 2024  7PM (EST) 
Where: Virtual (Zoom) 
POC: Imani Asukile, (352) 444-5414


Saturday, 15 Jun 2024  
Juneteenth Celebration "Rhythm & Blues Night"

Time: June 15, 2024  Music starts at 5:00 PM EST (US and Canada)
Where: Tampa Bay Golf and Country Club Clubhouse Ballroom
10641 Old Tampa Bay Dr, San Antonio, FL 33576
POC: Laurie: 585-465-0296



Women's Recognition Breakfast

Men's Recognition Breakfast

Book Club

Memorial Services

Kwanzaa Festival

Black History Observance

Black Music Month Festival

Historic Tours "Family Reunion"

Veteran Day